Natural Fluorite Crystal Quartz Points Wand Meditation Specimen
Natural Fluorite Crystal Quartz Points Wand Meditation Specimen
Fluorite is a stone known for clarity and mental enhancement. Its ability to assist the clearing of negative energy and aiding in decision-making has made this a favorable stone to work with. This powerful crystal is known as an absorber of negative energy, specifically within one's aura and mind.
Meaning & Energy:
-It is believed to cleanse and purify the body and stabilize energy, increasing the ability to concentrate and helping one to understand and maintain relationships. It is said to promote impartiality for unbiased reasoning.
-Fluorite is a stone heralded for its spiritual detoxification abilities and tendency to transform negative energy into positive energy, boosting our mental clarity and promoting peace of mind.
Rainbow Fluorite Crystal Points
Size: 7.11CM